Exploration- A tarot and oracle reading to give you insight into yourself and your journey in this life.
30 minutes $45.00
Harmonize- A 30 minute tarot and oracle reading followed by 90 minutes of reiki healing to balance your energy and chakras and cranial sacral therapy to balance the flow of cerebral spinal fluid through out the body to harmonize and unite your energetic system with your physical body.
2 hours $180
Balance- We start with a posture and movement assessment to identify physical pain and strain patterns. Next is a tarot and oracle reading to identify energetic stagnations and provide insight into yourself and your current life experiences. I follow this with a one hour Swedish massage and end with a reiki session to relax your physical body and cleanse and balance your energetic system.
2 hours 30 minutes $222.00
Enlighten- A posture and movement analysis followed by a one hour Swedish massage to release muscular tension and even out the musculoskeletal system followed by 30 minutes of cranial sacral therapy and ending with 30 minutes of reiki and energy work to balance the mind, body and spirit.
2 hours 30 minutes $222.00