Align- Postural evaluation followed by deep tissue massage to tight facilitated muscles and home exercises to weak inhibited muscles
90 minutes $140
2 hours $180

Introspection- A postural and movement analysis followed by a one on one corrective exercise training session to identify and correct muscle imbalances that are causing pain and strain to the musculoskeletal system.
90 minutes $150

Transcend- Cupping therapy followed by deep tissue hot stone massage to break up adhesions and restore mobility of the fascial system
90 minutes $140
2 hours $180

Activating- Tens unit acupressure and trigger point therapy followed by stretching therapy to interrupt pain signals and increase flexibility
90 minutes $140
2 hours $180

Cohesive- Any combination of cupping, hot stone therapy, Tens unit therapy, postural evaluations, stretching, cranial sacral therapy and lymphatic drainage
Prices vary

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